Just Blue

January 3, 2017

I hate it when I feel like this. These days of depression that set in when my people leave and I'm left to think about all the things.

Today it took me literally all day to just put away the Christmas decorations, and I had to stop every hour and just sit. I had NO energy. None. All day long the snapchats and instagrams of people doing fun things and being together were making me feel petty and jealous and weird, even though I wouldn't have wanted to go anywhere had I been invited. What is UP with that situation? Why did I keep responding and looking?

Now I'm restless and can't settle for sleep, even though tomorrow is a long, busy day and I need to get rest. So it goes.

I sent some cards out, and gathered some things to give away, and I'm glad about that.
I took steps to get ready for my weekend away that starts Thursday. I'm taking an immersive class in design, so I have swatches to make and things to pack.

I'm considering joining a knitalong to use up some yarn that I've had for a while. It's always good to use up stash.

So, it's not as if the day was a total waste, but I feel like a waste, useless and stuck. I don't even know why.

Hopefully I can get it out of my system and reboot. I'm going to try and go to bed now.
These are the lovely Colorstorms yarns I'm thinking of making into
a Marley scarf. I'll end on a positive. 

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