My Creative Habit

November 1, 2012

I'm at a crossroads in my life. I'm 46 years old and happily married. My husband willingly and happily makes a great living for our family. My kids are growing up. I have more time to focus on creativity and what I want to be and do now. This space is for me to explore these things, to put my ducks in a row and find out what I'm really capable of doing. I do not want to become a self-absorbed menopausal maniac and pull an EatPrayLove on my family and friends. No way. I want to participate in my life and squeeze all the juicy joy out of the opportunities I've been given, not run away from it.

The title comes from a book I'm enjoying called The Creative Habit. It's by Twyla Tharp and well, she should know, right?

I'm good at creativity, but not at habits. Well, I have lots of them, but not always great ones. The habit of getting up early to greet the day is a good one, but the habit I've gotten into of then taking a nap from 8-10 am, maybe not so good. And so on.

So I begin. I want to make this part of a ritual that will help me to focus each day on what is needful, what brings joy and edification, and what will reflect the process of my becoming my best self. For now I will leave it public, so if someone happens upon it, join me in my journey, that would make me happy.

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